Tuesday, January 13, 2009

ReDefining the WEB!

So, honestly, for the last two days I have been going back and forth in my head over the vision I have for this blog. I have finally came to a decision. The YoungStarz Blog (YSB) will focus on Young Singers, Rappers, Actors, etc. of Color. The ones that may or may not get the coverage they deserve as artists in their fields.

This blog may become very popular, it may not. but at least I covered what I wanted to cover. I am sure if I wrote about the Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus all day, I would pick up a lot more readers. But I am willing to put in the dedication needed to make this blog a success and show our Young African Americans that there are people like them on television doing positive things.

I hope readers fall in love with this vision just like I have. I am only 22 years old myself, so I hope to be relatable to the demographic I am wishing to attract. I am new to this!

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