Sunday, February 15, 2009

YoungStarz take on the Chris Brown/Rihanna Situation. . .

For those of you who have been hiding under a rock for the last week and have missed the incident between Chris Brown and Rihanna, this is not the site for you to get that information.

Right now, most of the information surrounding the case is JUST SPECULATION. What we do know is that Chris Brown was arrested for making threats. He is currently out of jail on a $50,000 bond. If you want to read more about what ALLEGEDLY HAPPENED, I suggest the following sites:,, and But as you read, remember none of these sources are 100% truthful. Just like you and me, they were not at the scene of the incident.

I will say this, if you or anyone you know are currently a victim of domestic violence, seek help now. Do not wait for the next time it happens. There are plenty of organizations out there to help people who suffer from Domestic Violence. You don't chose to be a victim, but you do chose to be a survivor!

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