Sunday, February 15, 2009

40th Annual NAACP Image Awards

The Image Awards went down in L.A. on Thursday, February 12, 2009, the 100th anniversary of the founding of the NAACP. And let me tell you, the Youngins brought it.

The Youngest Simmons Sisters, Ming and Aoki, were there to support their dad who received an award.

They took pictures with my girl Jennifer Hudson. . .

And one with their dad, Russell Simmons and cousin, Angela Simmons.
Also Kiely from the Cheetah Girls hit the Red Carpet is this crazy bad purple dress.
And the entire cast of Lincoln Heights hit the Red Carpet. If you don't watch this show, you are missing out!

Lets take a moment to recognize the fierceness that is Miss Keke Palmer! That's how you work the Red Carpet.

Moment over!!!

YoungStarz take on the Chris Brown/Rihanna Situation. . .

For those of you who have been hiding under a rock for the last week and have missed the incident between Chris Brown and Rihanna, this is not the site for you to get that information.

Right now, most of the information surrounding the case is JUST SPECULATION. What we do know is that Chris Brown was arrested for making threats. He is currently out of jail on a $50,000 bond. If you want to read more about what ALLEGEDLY HAPPENED, I suggest the following sites:,, and But as you read, remember none of these sources are 100% truthful. Just like you and me, they were not at the scene of the incident.

I will say this, if you or anyone you know are currently a victim of domestic violence, seek help now. Do not wait for the next time it happens. There are plenty of organizations out there to help people who suffer from Domestic Violence. You don't chose to be a victim, but you do chose to be a survivor!

Vacation: I'm Back!!!!!

Okay, so I took a much needed vacation from the Blog. Now I'm back and better than ever. Because this is not my full time job, I will be blogging about every other day. That means every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday I will be right here giving you the low low on our Favorite Celebrity Youngins!!!!!

Keep Reading!!!

Much Luv - Monet

Sunday, February 1, 2009

J. Hud is back!!!!

Now, I know this has nothing to do with young stars but I would just like to take blogger's privilege and talk about Jennifer Hudson outstanding comeback today. She sang the National Anthem at the SuperBowl today, and I so mean SANG!!!! Watch it here!

I am a huge Jennifer Hudson fan and am extremely happy to see her back after her tragic losses. She brought that fire!